Billion B Way Enterprise L.L.C
Billionbanksway Hair Confidence: Transforming Lives One Style at a Time.
Billion B. Way Enterprise L.L.C plans to start a community program offering free hair services to women with hair loss or financial difficulties, helping them feel more confident and connected. We will also provide classes to help women upkeep their hair styles.
Billion B. Way Enterprise L.L.C planea iniciar un programa comunitario que ofrezca servicios gratuitos para el cabello a mujeres con perdida de cabello o dificultades economicas, ayudandolas a sentirse mas seguras y conectadas. Tambien brindaremos clases para ayudar a las mujeres a mantener sus peinados.
This project was made possible with funding from Isles, Inc., via the NJ Department of Community Affairs' Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program.