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Leon Rainbow




Colors of Community: Live Art in the Heart of Trenton

Leon Rainbow is organizing an exciting live painting project in Trenton, NJ, where a diverse group of talented artists will paint live every Friday for 5 weeks during the Spring and Summer. This vibrant event will transform public spaces into open-air studios, inviting the community to witness the creative process firsthand. Each week, different artists will bring their unique styles and visions to life, creating a dynamic visual experience that evolves throughout the season. The project aims to foster creativity, connection, and collaboration, showcasing the rich artistic talent in the area while energizing the streets of Trenton with color and culture.

Leon Rainbow esta organizando un emocionante proyecto de pintura en vivo en Trenton, Nueva Jersey, donde un grupo diverso de artistas talentosos pintaran en vivo todos los viernes durante 5 semanas durante la primavera y el verano. Este vibrante evento transformara los espacios p�blicos en estudios al aire libre, invitando a la comunidad a presenciar el proceso creativo de primera mano. Cada semana, diferentes artistas daran vida a sus estilos y visiones �nicos, creando una experiencia visual dinamica que evoluciona a lo largo de la temporada. El proyecto tiene como objetivo fomentar la creatividad, la conexion y la colaboracion, mostrando el rico talento artistico de la zona mientras energiza las calles de Trenton con color y cultura.

This project was made possible with funding from Isles, Inc., via the NJ Department of Community Affairs' Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) program. 

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