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I Am Trenton Launches Citywide Grant Program Supporting Equity, Social Justice and Resilience


Apply online by July 31 for community grants up to $5,000

Trenton, NJ -- I Am Trenton Community Foundation invites submissions for the 2023 Citywide grant cycle providing grants up to $5,000 for grassroots projects addressing equity, social justice, and resilience.

IAT is an all-volunteer nonprofit in Trenton focusing resources where they matter most—in local projects run by residents. Last year’s Citywide grants supported programs bringing together youth and local artists, telling important community stories and acknowledging shared struggles. Since 2010, IAT has invested more than $500,000 in community projects.

All applications must be submitted online at Applications will NOT be accepted by hard copy, mail, or email. These questions are provided for reference as you prepare your application. The deadline is July 31, 2023, 11:59 pm.

“I Am Trenton is all about supporting our community neighbors dedicated to making change, overcoming challenges, and dismantling structural inequality,” said IAT Co-Presidents Marelyn Rivera, and Michelle Ruess. “We can’t wait to see all the great ideas submitted!”

Applicants for the 2023 Citywide Grants may request up to $5,000. Project activities should occur between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024. Deadline for applications is July 31, 2023. Awards will be announced in September 2023.

Applications now available in both English and Spanish on the I Am Trenton website Applicants also have the option of submitting Project Details as a short essay OR as a short video.

Evaluators will prioritize projects designed and led by Trenton residents, people of color, and people with lived experience of the issue the project is addressing. Applications will be accepted in the following categories:

  • Equity and social justice: Initiatives that challenge structural inequality, address an equity or social justice problem, bring new awareness, create pressure for change

  • Resiliency: Initiatives that improve organizations or communities’ ability to deal with an urgent challenge

  • Community Improvement: Projects that improve a specific issue or challenge in the applicant’s community.

Applicants are encouraged to attend a virtual pre-application workshop, providing additional information and an opportunity to ask questions: Workshops are held:

  • Saturday, July 8, 10 am - 11:30 am - Register

  • Wednesday, July 19, 5:30 pm - 7 pm - Register

To learn more about I Am Trenton and our work, please visit

Citywide grantees Culture Is Key ran an educational and recreational program for youth that included activities such as learning about aviation.



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