I Am Trenton is pleased to support 17 grassroots efforts to celebrate and improve the city and advance social justice, particularly in the context of the ongoing pandemic. This grant round is IAT’s largest citywide funding effort to date, and also includes our youngest grantee - Zanobia Shaw on behalf of United Front, a social change effort led by Trenton high school students.
We are grateful for the support of the Dodge Foundation and the Princeton University Black Leadership Coalition for contributions that made this grant round possible.
The 2021 grantees are:
Adam Nawrot, Trenton Makes Video Series: Trenton-based filmmaker Adam Nawrot will create the “Trenton Makes” video series, a collection of short films dedicated to showcasing the craftspeople active in the city today.
Caitlin Fair, Council Cliff Notes: Council Cliff Notes is a series of short videos about various aspects of local government aiming to raise civic engagement in the city of Trenton.
Chosen Inspiration Association, Chosen to Inspire: Chosen to Inspire is a self-esteem enrichment, suicide prevention program that deters self-harm and helps teens view obstacles as challenges intended to maximize their full potential.
G-MOMS MCSAP (Mercer County Senior America Pageant), Living Our Best Life: A picture book about ladies over 60, living in Trenton area being healthy and happy growing stronger in the Community.
Garden State Agrihood Project, Capital City Farm Urban Youth Environmental Stewards: This is an urban farming and community development initiative to expose Trenton's youth to agriculture, environmental science through a social justice lens.
Habiyb Ali Shu'Aib, Time Is Still: A public art project in which Trenton-based photographer Habiyb Shu’Aib will photograph Trenton residents and print positive images of them on boarded up and abandoned buildings in our city.
Jeffrey Stewart, American Summer: Lifelong Trentonian and filmmaker Jeff Stewart will create a documentary about the BLM / police brutality protests in Trenton during the summer of 2020
KinderSmile Foundation, Access to Oral Health Care: Support to the Community Oral Health Center on North Broad Street in Trenton, which provides much needed access to oral health education and dental care to underserved and uninsured children and adults.
Mighty Writers, Bilingual learning loss prevention: Mighty Writers together with Urban Promise Trenton is providing virtual programming for young bilingual students to support them in their virtual learning and prevent learning loss.
Passage Theatre Company, The Hedgepeth-Williams Project: In partnership with Hedgepeth-Williams Middle School of the Arts, Passage Theatre will create and produce a new play about the history of the school’s name and its effect on the racial integration of school systems throughout the United States.
PLAY SOCCER Nonprofit International (PSNI), Trenton Youth Soccer League and the "Alliance": PSNI will expand its free Trenton Youth Soccer League (TYSL) after school & summer programs through an alliance of organizations
The Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF), Educational Persistence and Community Engagement with Immigrant Families: Support toward the costs of college applications for promising senior high school students who have no other access to scholarships or federal fee waivers.
Todd Evans, poetry through windows - in memory of Doc Long: A memorial poetry tribute to the late Trenton educator and poet Doc Long / the Doc Long Poetry Festival
Trenton Animals Rock, Trenton Animals Rock Mural: Trenton Animals Rock will team up with a local mural artist to host a mural painting day at the Trenton Animal Shelter.
Trenton Cycling Revolution, D&R Canal Trail Bike Fixing Station: A public bicycle repair station and pump to accompany the sculptural kiosk and wayfinding station that would provide free tools for the community to use.
Trenton Music Makers, Juneteenth Collaboration: Trenton Music Makers would like to collaborate with Trenton musicians Ahmad Shakir, DJ, and Josue Lora, Musician and Filmmaker, to create and publish an original piece of music with our young string players.
United Front, United Front Youth Homebase: Support to United Front, a youth led youth empowerment initiative, to create a safe space where youth can gather and organize.
See all our projects at iamtrenton.org/directory.